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Th3safelink Redesign Premium & Responsive Blogger Template 2020

Th3safelink Redesign Premium & Responsive Blogger Template 2020

The following is a template in the form of a portfolio, responsive template with 1 column on the index page and 2 columns on the posting page, this template I share by Free For those who are already members.

Features Availability
Responsive True Check
Mobile Friendly True Check
Google Testing Tool Validator (Index) True Check
Google Testing Tool Validator (Item) True Check
SEO Friendly True
Personal Blog True
1 Column and 2 Column True
SVG Icon True
Breadcrumbs True
2 Option Search Box True
Back to Top Button True
Footer Menu True
Share Button True
Infinite Scroll Navigation True
Blogger Comment System True
Fast Version True
Newsletter Widget True
Related Post True
Sticky Sidebar True
Image Lightbox True
Sitemap Widget True
Contact Form Widget True
Well Documentation True
Shortcodes True
And Much More... True